Alaska's Local Fishing Brokerage

 - Free to List - Permits, IFQs, Boats

 - Permit + IFQ + Boat Sales

 - Estate / Beneficiary Specialist

 - Emergency / Medical Transfers

 - Market Price Analysis

 - State / Fed Loan Assist

 - Full Service Brokerage

 - Document Services

 - Permit / IFQ Search Aid

 - Office in Alaska


Did you know that Alaska offers

fisherman a variety of loan programs?

Ask us how.

Featured Listings:

- Chatham Strait Permit Sablefish $425k 



- CHP 2C 6 pole / person for lease $14k



- CHP 2C 6 pole / person for lease $14k

1/7/25 Lease Pending>>>


- Wanted to Buy CHP 2C 4 person / pole offer $115,000



- Bristol Bay Drift $140k Sale Pending>>>



- Bristol Bay Drift




- Bristol Bay SetNet




- 2C Halibut C Class Blocked 1,850 lbs UnFished $40/lb



- CHP 2C 6 Person Available $222k 4/29/24

Charter Halibut Southeast


- Power Troll SE $19k



- Bristol Bay Drift $138k 10/11/24


- PWS Sablefish 50' $35k 3/13/24


- Central Gulf (CG) Sablefish 50,000 lbs

C Class UnBlocked UnFished - $8/lb



- Trade Central Gulf (CG) for SouthEast (SE) Sablefish B or C Class up to 66k lbs



- Bristol Bay Drift $123k 10/7/23 Sale Pending>>>


- Halibut IFQ 2C - C Class - Blocked  4,000 lbs + Unfished




Halibut IFQ 2C - C Class - Blocked  3,000 lbs UnFished




- Halibut 3A - B class - UnBlocked  2,900 lbs  Unfished





- SE Seine $195k



- Power Troll $21k



- Tanner & King Crab Red/Blue/Brown Pot Gear, Southeast

w/ 80 pots ready to Catch Crab 1/21/23

only $300k


- SE Crab Tanner & Red/Blue/Brown King permit



- Southeast Tanner Crab $120k


- Western Gulf (WG) Sablefish 30,000 lbs

B Class UnBlocked UnFished - $11/lb



- Prince William Sound Drift $123k


- Bristol Bay SetNet   ~$55k


- Kodiak Purse Seine $41k


- 2C Halibut quota - 3,300 lbs C Class, Blocked - $52/lb SOLD


- 300 Pot Dungeness SE  $140k


- WY - C Class - Unblocked, Unfished 15,000 lbs @ contact



- 3B UnBlocked - Class B - 18,000 lbs @ Market Price


- CG Sablefish - C Class - Unblocked 58,000 lbs

 new price $13.50/lb


- Halubut 3A (C) Class, Unblocked, 23,000 LBS   $52/lb


- Halibut 4D (B) Class, Unblocked 

38,000 LBS     Only$23/lb


- WY Sablefish - B Class Unblocked -  25,000 lbs $call/lb  SOLD!



  For more listings,

click on the

fishery / type

button at the top


Want to get into Alaska Commercial Fishing?

Contact us For More Info


Matthew 4:18

  As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.






Alaska Commercial Fishing  Brokers Permit Permits IFQ IFQs Quota Limited Entry